wordt geladen

Sinds 2011 helpt de Hartstichting met het samenbrengen van onderzoekers in consortia, netwerken van onderzoekers die samenwerken aan één duidelijk doel. We verwachten op deze manier sneller oplossingen voor hart- en vaatziekten te vinden en die oplossingen ook sneller bij patiënten te kunnen brengen.

Lopende consortia en projecten

  • IMPULSE grants


    Acroniem Volledige naam Looptijd Consortiumleider
    GENIUS II Generating the best evidence-based pharmaceutical targets and drugs for atherosclerosis II 2017 - 2022 Prof. dr. J. Kuiper
    Arena-Prime Towards Personalised Medicine in the Clinic: Novel RNA Therapies aimed at heritable forms of treatment-resistant Heart Failure 2018 - 2023 Prof.dr. Y.M. Pinto
    Phaedra-Impact Pulmonary Hypertension and AssociatED Right heart fAilure: IMproved outcomes through Precision medicine, Advanced modelling and early deteCTion 2018 - 2023 Prof. dr. A. Vonk Noordegraaf
    Predict 2 Predicting sudden cardiac arrest 2018 - 2023 Prof. dr. A.A.M Wilde
    In Control II Inflammatory Reprogramming by Ageing and Microbiome – Targets for Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease 2019 - 2024 Prof. dr. F. Kuipers

    Heart Brain Connection - crossroads

    2020 - 2025 Prof. dr. M.J.A.P. Daemen

    Outflow tract related aging with congenital heart defects: identifying causes and mechanisms of myocardial and large vessel wall adaptation, predictors for long term outcome and targets for improved treatment.

    2020 - 2025

    Prof. dr. W.A. Helbing

  • Big Data & Gezondheid


    Acroniem Volledige naam Looptijd Consortiumleider

    Self TRAcking for Prevention and diagnosis of heart disease


    Prof. dr. P. Markopoulos


    Targeting key risk factors for cardiovascular disease in at-risk individuals using a personalized and adaptive approach


    Prof. dr. N.H. Chavannes


    Using Big-Data to put a cardiovascular digital twin into the hands of people


    Prof. dr. P. van der Harst

    CARRIER Coronary ARtery disease: Risk estimations and Interventions for prevention and EaRly detection – a Personal Health Train project


    Prof. dr. A.L.A.J. Dekker

  • Hart voor duurzame zorg


    Acroniem Volledige naam Looptijd Consortiumleider
    HEROES Home-based ExeRgaming fOr Enhancing resistance to falls after Stroke


    Dr. V. Weerdesteyn


    Video monitoring FOR early Signaling of adverse EvEnts


    Prof. dr. ir. J.W.M. Bergmans

    ECG project UMCU

    Deep neural networks for ECG interpretation and home cardiac monitoring


    Prof. dr. P.A. Doevendans

    eCG family clinic

    The electronic Cardiovascular Genetic family clinic to facilitate genetic screening in family members


    Prof. dr. J.P. van Tintelen

    ArmCoach4Stroke An interactive toolfor self-directed, homebased and personalized arm rehabilitation after stroke


    Dr. J.B.J. Bussmann

    RACE 9

    Device-based rate versus rhythm control treatment in patients with symptomatic recent-onset atrial fibrillation in the emergency department


    Dr. N.A.H.A Pluymaekers

  • Klinische Studies


    Acroniem Volledige naam Looptijd Consortiumleider

    Digoxin Evaluation in Chronic heart failure: Investigational Study In Outpatients in the Netherlands


    Prof. dr. D.J. van Veldhuisen


    Low-dose colchicine for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease


    Dr. A. Mosterd


Lees alles over werken in een consortium, welke voordelen het biedt en hoe je kunt aansluiten.